The Boardroom (New Adult Contemporary Romance) Read online

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  “Mr. Roderick,” Trixie said, handing Avery a glass of bourbon, “I assume you are searching for something you cannot seem to find. Is this true?” She looked at him, eyebrows raised.

  Avery took the offered glass. “Thank you. Yes. I... I have been searching fruitlessly for some time for a remarkable woman.”

  “I see,” Trixie said, sipping her bourbon. “A remarkable woman. What exactly does this remarkable woman look like?”

  Avery glanced around the office, suddenly feeling foolish. This was insane… but he was here. Might as well see what might happen. “This is going to sound rather… odd,” he said. “I’ve been dreaming of this woman for months. She takes my breath away.” He closed his eyes, seeing her again. “She has the most beautiful sun-kissed skin, long, flowing blonde hair that curls about her gorgeous body as she dances so gracefully.”

  “A remarkable woman indeed,” Trixie said. “You share such detail about her, and your longing for her is obvious… but nothing of her face. What color are her eyes?”

  “I don’t know,” Avery admitted. “In all the months that she’s consumed my dreams, I have yet to see her face.”

  “I will help you,” Trixie said. “She’s out there, Avery. We will find her together.” The conviction in her voice and certainty in her eyes made Avery actually believe they could do it, sending a chill down his spine.

  “How does this work, Trixie? How much will your service cost? Not that price is important. I’d pay anything to find her.”

  Trixie waved her hand as if shooing away a fly. “We will not talk of money yet, Avery. That comes later.” She stood up. Avery did, too. “I will find your girl,” she continued, escorting Avery to the door. “I am very good at what I do. You simply need to come here when I call you. Be ready!”

  “I look forward to your call, Trixie.” Avery responded. Stepping back into the hallway, relief wrapped around his body like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. A smile appeared at the thought of Trixie’s promise. Could she really find his dream woman? He was confident that if anyone could do it, Trixie could. Joining his friends, he was able to have fun and enjoy their conversation. He welcomed the possibilities that were to come and would savor the resulting prize.

  Sitting at the table, he watched his friends dance the night away with Trixie’s ladies. The champagne poured as though from a fountain, his glass never seeming to get even close to empty, no matter how much he drank. Trixie’s place was all his friends had said it would be... and more. So much more. Every businessman in the joint seemed overcome with the excitement provided by the ladies at their sides. Soon, he would feel the same way. He just knew it!

  Chapter Eight -- Peyton

  Today was the day. Peyton had tossed and turned all night thinking about The Boardroom and what it might be like. The butterflies in her stomach fluttered violently each time her thoughts centered on what the club’s clientele would be like.

  Her mother had always told her that some men would be honest and loving and caring with their whole heart, while others would only be concerned with their own desires. Those men that went into a relationship only caring about themselves could be very dangerous, caring nothing about the pain they put others through.

  Peyton had always listened to her mother and tried hard to live by the rules and words of wisdom she shared. To keep herself safe on this journey, she would have to be constantly vigilant so that she was not taken advantage of by anyone. These men at The Boardroom were wealthy, and most people didn’t get rich by being kind and caring towards others. It was important to remember this was business; nothing more.

  Waiting for everyone to leave the house, Peyton sat at the kitchen table, worrying her bottom lip. After she was sure everyone had left, she picked up the phone, took a deep breath, and dialed the number for The Boardroom. “I hope I’m doing the right thing,” she whispered to herself as the phone began to ring.

  “The Boardroom,” said a woman on the line.

  “Hello,” Peyton said, not expecting the phone to be picked up so soon. “I... ummm... I’m interested in seeking employment. Are you hiring?” She prayed she didn’t suddenly chicken-out and hang up.

  “We are,” said the woman. “Let me transfer you to the owner. Trixie will be able to answer your questions. Hold a moment while I transfer you. Okay?”

  “Sure. And thank you for your help.” Peyton said as the line clicked.

  There was a series of clicks before someone came on the line again. Peyton thought a club serving the wealthy should surely have some music to listen to while on hold. Another click and a woman’s voice came on the line.

  “Hello. I’m Trixie Davenport,” the new voice said. “I hear you’re interested in a job at The Boardroom.”

  “Yes. I’m a student so I couldn’t work full-time but I’m a hard worker.”

  “I see. What’s your name dear?” Trixie asked

  “Peyton. Peyton Jameson.”

  “Peyton. That’s a lovely name. I’ll be here all afternoon, Peyton. How about you stop by and we can get to know one another. How does that sound?”

  “That sounds fine with me. What time would be good, Miss Davenport?” Peyton asked

  “Any time, dear. I’ll be waiting. See you soon.” she said before ending the call.

  Peyton hung up the phone and rushed upstairs to get ready. She stepped into her closet and froze. What should she wear? Scanning her closet, she grabbed a pair of jeans and a black fitted tank top. Dress clothes weren’t in the budget so a casual look would have to do. She applied her makeup, wanting to make a good impression on the owner. If she could pull this off things would surely improve for her and her family.

  Taking another look in the mirror, satisfied with how she looked, she grabbed her purse and headed for the front door, snatching her keys off the kitchen counter as she went. Making sure the door was locked, she got in her car and headed to her interview.

  Across town, Peyton pulled into the empty parking lot of The Boardroom. She felt that if she opened the car door, the butterflies in her stomach would cause her to float away. She had to get herself together. She took a few deep breaths and got out of the car. “You can do this. You can do this.” she said to herself as she approached the front doors.

  The Boardroom wasn’t as big as she thought it would be. It was a nice size club for sure. The outside of the building was like any other club. Nothing special really, but she was sure the inside would be a different story altogether.

  Once inside, Peyton stopped, frozen in place as she looked around. She didn’t see any employees so she waited. The club was absolutely gorgeous. The waterfall walls of glass were stunning. Everything in the place was glass and silver... very elegant. The simplicity of the decor was unique. The lack of color was interesting but it would make the people in the club more noticeable. They would be the focal point, with nothing taking away from what mattered.

  “You must be Peyton,” said a young woman.

  Peyton turned in the direction of the voice. “Yes. I called earlier about a job.”

  “Come with me. I’ll take you to Trixie’s office. I’m Ashley, by the way.” she said

  “Nice to meet you, Ashley. How do you like working here?” Peyton asked.

  “It’s great. Trixie’s really nice. We have a lot of fun here.” Ashley said as she knocked on Trixie’s door.

  “Come in.”

  “Trixie? Peyton is here to see you about a job.”

  “Right. Come on in and have a seat.”

  Peyton entered the office, looking around nervously. A pretty middle-aged woman sat behind the desk. She gestured towards a chair across from her desk, smling. “Nice to meet you, Peyton.”

  “Nice to meet you, too, Miss Davenport,” Peyton said as she sat down. “Could you tell me what exactly the job consists of? I guess I should have asked on the phone.”

  “Oh no, dear, that’s quite alright. We have nothing to hide. Here at The Boardroom, we help to connect eligible bach
elors with a young woman they can have a good time with. We aren’t an escort service so you aren’t expected to do anything you don’t want to do. I leave your actions up to you.” She levelled a stern gaze at Peyton. “But sex is a no-no inside my club. No exceptions.”

  “Okay,” Peyton said, relaxing as relief flooded through her. “I was a little worried about that,” she said, shyly.

  “Tell me a little about yourself, Peyton.”

  “Well, like I mentioned when I called the first time, I’m a student. My parents died in a car accident about a year ago. Since then, I’ve been taking care of my younger brother and sister. I love dancing but haven’t been able to be as active as I’d like with it since the accident.” She shrugged. “Money has been tight so other things have had to come before my own passions.”

  “Would you be interested in dancing with the gentlemen here that enjoy a dance now and then?”

  “Sure,” Peyton said. “I’d like that very much.” She hesitated, unsure of how to ask the next question. It was important – and a perfectly normal question to ask – so the direct approach was probably best. “What’s the pay like?”

  “My girls are paid well,” Trixie said with a smile. “It varies, but around twenty an hour to start plus tips… and any gifts the gentlemen provide you.”

  Peyton’s eyes lit up. Twenty an hour was more than she had expected, and more than she had ever made before. She’d finally be able to get caught up on all the bills, and things like Maggie’s cheerleading would be no problem at all.

  Trixie noticed her smile. “I take it you’re interested in working for me then?”

  “Absolutely,” Peyton said, hoping she didn’t start crying tears of joy in front of her new employer. “When can I start?”

  “Tomorrow night at six will do just fine. Be here at five, though, to get dolled up and dressed for the dance floor.”

  “Okay,” Peyton said, standing. “And thank you for the job, Miss Davenport.” She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face.

  Trixie smiled back. “See you tomorrow, Peyton… and welcome to The Boardroom.”

  Chapter Nine -- Avery

  Avery couldn’t stop thinking about his meeting with Trixie. Every time the phone rang, he wanted it to be her. His concentration had been shitty all day. It had only been a few days and he was sure even she couldn’t work that fast, but he couldn’t resist hoping.

  The past few nights had been more of the same. The same dream, the same woman, the same empty feeling when he awoke alone. Sitting at his desk, he tried to review his open cases and prepare for Dawson’s big court battle, although it was basically a lost cause. He hadn’t been lying or using scare tactics with the kid. His situation was bad and there’d be no saving his ass this time. There would definitely be jail time. The only question that remained was how much time would be spent behind bars?

  “Mr. Roderick,” Alice called out. “You have a call from a Miss Davenport on line one.”

  “Thanks you, Alice.” Avery quickly snatched up the phone. “Miss Davenport,” he said, forcing his voice to remain calm and professional. “It’s good to hear from you.” He had waited for Trixie to call and now that she had, he was overcome with nerves, shaking with excitement.

  “I think I’ve found your gal, Avery,” she chirped

  Avery was shocked. “I... I expected it to take longer.” Doubt and hope fought within him. “How do you know she’s the one?”

  “She loves to dance,” Trixie said, her voice filled with confidence. “She has a beautiful tan complexion, her hair is just as you described, and she seems to be a truly remarkable woman. If age isn’t a factor for you then I’d say I’ve been successful. She really just dropped into my lap all of a sudden… as if fate led her to me at just the right time.”

  “I... I don’t know what to say. How old is she?” He hoped the age difference wasn’t too great, although he had no way of knowing how old the woman who visited him in his dreams was.

  “She’s in her early twenties; a student at the local university. She’s a beautiful girl, with siblings to take care of,” Trixie replied. “She inquired about a job to pay for school and to help support her family. She’s rather charming.”

  “Right,” Avery said. She did sound charming. “So how does this work? When should I come to the club to meet her?” He could no longer keep the excitement – the eagerness – out of his voice.

  Trixie chuckled good-naturedly. “And you doubted me, didn’t you, Mr. Roderick?” She continued before he could reply. “She will be available as a dance partner next Friday. You should stop by for a dance and get to know her.”

  “Okay,” Avery said, a question popping into his mind at the last second. “Trixie? Could you tell me her name?”

  “Of course. It’s Peyton. Peyton Jameson.”

  Avery smiled. It was a beautiful name. “I’ll see you next Friday then. Thank you, Trixie.”

  “You’re very welcome, Mr. Roderick.”

  Chapter Ten -- Peyton

  Peyton had spent last Saturday at The Boardroom shadowing some of the other girls, learning all she could about the club. She danced with a few nice gentleman. She wasn’t much of a drinker so she had a lot to learn in that respect, but dancing was a whole other story; she could do that with her eyes closed.

  The other girls had told her making conversation was awkward at first but got easier if she relaxed and acted as though she were on a regular date. “Just have fun and enjoy yourself” was the general strategy shared by everyone.

  She was scheduled to work every Friday night and Saturday night, allowing her to continue going to school, and her friends would help take care of her brother and sister so there wasn’t anything to worry about there. Working two days a week would be a nice change of pace from waiting tables at the local pizza place or campus coffee shop, and the pay was better. Much better.

  Peyton talked with her friends about the job and they were excited for her. It was an adventure – something new and exciting – and to be honest, she really hadn’t allowed herself the chance to experience very much after the loss of her parents. Her life had become quite boring and simple. The Boardroom would change all of that, at least for a while.

  She showered, pulled her long hair into a ponytail, slipped into a comfy pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and slid her feet into a pair of flip flops. She was almost ready to head to the club, but she needed a couple of things before heading out the door.

  Trixie had told her the club would provide her outfits, which took a load off her mind. There was no way she could afford fancy dresses, but she didn’t know if the provided outfits included shoes; at least shoes that were guaranteed to fit, and shoes that fit were a requirement if she was going to be spending time on a dance floor. She ran to her closet and grabbed a couple pairs… just in case.

  The drive to the club went faster than expected. She thought she’d be nervous but she wasn’t. After all, dancing was something she really enjoyed. Even if her dancing partner wasn’t the best, she’d suck it up and smile. It would be worth the money.

  Turning into the parking lot, she saw it was already filling up with expensive cars and even a few limousines. She parked in the designated employee parking area on the side of the building and headed inside. Soft music was playing and the lights were dim throughout the bar. The ambiance was nice and relaxing, an atmosphere for slow dances and conversation and getting to know someone; not the typical eardrum-shattering, strobe-flashing club scene.

  Peyton slipped down the hallway to the dressing area and found Ashley, the girl assigned to help her get ready to hit the dance floor tonight. At least two dozen other girls sat in front of dressing mirrors, preparing for the night. Everyone looked happy and ready for whatever might happen. She followed Ashley to her dressing table in the back of the room. Flicking on the lights lining her table, she took a seat.

  “I’ll be back with your dress and shoes in just a minute,” Ashley said

  “Okay. Thanks.�
�� The butterflies in her stomach, which had been remarkably calm all day, were flapping their wings like crazy now.

  Ashley returned with the most stunning little black dress. It was a strapless, fitted dress that hit just above mid-thigh. She had never worn anything so short before. But it was gorgeous. Ashley helped her get her makeup and hair just right.

  “All done. You look gorgeous, Peyton.” Ashley chirped, a big smile on her face.

  Peyton looked at her reflection in the mirror. “I feel like a princess.”

  “You should,” Ashley said as they headed for the hallway, “because there are dozens of Prince Charmings out there tonight… and you’re going to be very popular. You look amazing, girlfriend.”

  “Thank you, Ashley… for everything.”

  “Smile,” Ashley said. “You’re going to do fine.”

  Chapter Eleven -- Avery

  Avery had been looking forward to tonight ever since Trixie called. He couldn’t wait to see Peyton. He talked to juries and judges all the time but he had spent all week thinking about what to say to this particular woman. He wasn’t normally a nervous person, but tonight he was as restless and nervous as anyone could be.

  Entering The Boardroom, he let the music wash over him, relaxing the tension and nervousness that had taken residence in his muscles. Head held high, he walked into the main area and scanned the dance floor for Peyton, wondering if he might be able to recognize her. She wasn’t there… at least not that he could tell. Before he could take a seat, a flash of black moving to the edge of the dance floor caught his attention.

  A young blonde in a tiny black dress stepped onto the dance floor with a middle-aged man. Avery watched them dance, trying to get a glimpse of her face each time they circled the floor but he couldn’t quiet catch a clear view. His pulse quickened as he watched them – watched her. He moved closer, wanting to see her more clearly.

  The long, flowing hair, the elegant and graceful way she moved her body. He resisted the urge to pinch himself, wondering if he was dreaming again, with the lush meadow now replaced with the interior of the club. When the song came to an end the couple turned to leave and he finally saw her face, the face he had yearned so long to see. His heart stopped and he felt unable to draw breath as he came face to face with an angel... his angel. She was the one. He couldn’t say how he knew, but he had no doubt. “Mine,” he mumbled to himself as they walked up the steps beside him.