The Boardroom (New Adult Contemporary Romance) Page 6
Several emotions fought to win her over. When the sudden shock subsided, the worry and curiosity battled amongst themselves. It had to be a mistake, a mistake she hated to bring to their attention, but they’d surely discover the error sooner or later. She grabbed her phone from the depths of her purse with shaky hands and called the university.
“Business office.”
“Yes. This is Peyton Jameson. I just received a letter stating that my balance for this semester is now zero,” she said, her voice laced with worry. “I... I haven’t made my payment yet so there must be some mistake.”
“Hold please and I’ll pull your file,” the girl on the other end of the line said before the phone clicked and music began playing. It was the worst damn music she had ever heard.
The line clicked again and the god-awful music thankfully stopped. “Miss Jameson, I see that a payment has been credited to your account. You are paid in full for the semester. No mistake was made.”
“But... I haven’t made a payment,” Peyton said, confused. “Can you tell me who paid it?”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t share that information. From time to time, a benefactor will assist in paying the tuition balances of students receiving scholarships. You’re one lucky young lady. Is there anything else I can help you with today?” she asked.
“Umm... no, thank you. Wait... so I’m completely paid up for the semester?” She was sure she had misunderstood the girl.
“That’s right!” the woman confirmed.
“Thank you,” Peyton said, pressing the end button, feeling numb.
She was thrilled – relieved – that her tuition was taken care of, but she still wanted desperately to know who had paid off her tuition balance, and why. Part of her said she should just be thankful to whoever it was, but the other side of her was angry she didn’t do it herself. She didn’t need pity or handouts. She closed her eyes and took a couple of slow deep breaths. Now wasn’t the time to worry about it. She had to get to work, and nobody would have a good time if she was upset.
Chapter Twenty Two -- Avery
As Avery stepped into The Boardroom, he could tell with one look at Peyton that something was off. She seemed different somehow. Even the gorgeous smile on her face could do nothing to hide the concern she attempted to hide from the world. He saw it. He couldn’t help but see it.
He stood by the dance floor, waiting for the current song to finish, not wanting to interrupt her time with the older gentleman she was dancing with. Trixie waved from across the room and he nodded in return. The song finally ended. He walked onto the dance floor, taking his woman into his arms, not caring what song played next. In his mind, every song was their song.
“Good evening, my Sweetness. You look enchanting tonight.” His eyes roamed hungrily over her form-fitting white gown.
“I’m good. I’m so glad you’re here.” She looked him up and down. “Nice suit.”
“Thank you,” he said. Her voice sounded strained, like she was trying to sound happy when she really wasn’t. He wanted to ask what was wrong but didn’t want to pry. She’d tell him if she wanted to share what was on her mind. “Oh… before I forget, your dress will be delivered tomorrow after lunch.” He flashed the wicked smile he knew she liked, hoping it would improve her mood..
“I can’t wait to see it. I’m sure it’s gorgeous,” she said, a genuine smile finally appearing on her face, seeming to lighten up the dance floor.
The two of them continued to dance the night away, neither wanting their time together to end. By the end of the night, Avery had once again asked Peyton to join him at his home. The smile on her face when she agreed made him feel like the luckiest man in the world.
Chapter Twenty Three -- Peyton
It had been a long night and Peyton’s feet had begun to ache from all of the dancing. The ache was worth it, though. She had spent the evening dancing with the hottest guy in the club... hell the world. She changed back into her regular clothes and slipped into her flip-flops before returning to Avery’s side.
They hustled out the door and slid into the limo that waited for them at the entrance to the club. Avery hadn’t made a move to kiss her and she wondered why. In the club, he had kept his distance, rarely touching her except to hold her oh-so-properly while they were dancing. She didn’t know why but she was desperate to feel his hands on her again. Fortunately, his attitude changed once they were in the car.
“Come here, my Sweetness,” he growled.
Sliding across the seat, she pressed her body against his eagerly. This was the Avery she had been waiting for. His arm wrapped around her, pulling her even closer, leaving no space between them. He gently grasped her chin, angling her face up to his, pressing his lips to hers; at first gentle, but then searching for more. She could taste the bourbon he had drunk earlier on his lips even now. His tongue delved into her mouth, playfully flicking hers. It was, in its own way, a seduction she couldn’t resist.
The all too familiar heat he instilled in her radiated from her core, her body relaxed into his, wanting more. She turned to face him, planting her palms on his masculine chest, feeling his heart beating rapidly. She moaned as the kiss deepened, slowly sliding her hands farther down his amazing body.
Avery’s cock twitched as her greedy hand palmed his erection. She rubbed slowly at first, and then faster. He groaned and pulled her onto his lap, his hips thrusting against her, causing her to gasp at the friction.
Peyton couldn’t wait any longer. She didn’t care if the driver heard them... or saw them. She had to have him now. Her fingers worked the button and zipper, revealing Avery’s hard cock.
“Commando?” She smiled, almost drooling over the delicious sight in front of her. “Nice.” She wrapped her soft warm hands around his shaft, gripping it tight.
Avery gasped at her touch. “I want you. I love the way you feel.”
Peyton slid off the seat, slowly easing to her knees before him. His eyes went wide as she lowered her mouth to his throbbing cock. Her tongue darted out, seductively moistening her lips, before retreating to the warm of her mouth.
“Fast… or slow?” she asked as their eyes met.
“Slow, Princess,” he said in a husky voice. “Slow.”
Peyton’s lips parted, her tongue flicking across the swollen head of his cock. Avery groaned, unable to control his actions, his hips thrusting forward. Peyton smiled at him wickedly as her warm tongue encircled his cockhead before slowly roaming down his shaft and back up again.
“You’re teasing me, Princess,” he groaned
“Maybe,” she said, right before sliding his cock between her lips. Slowly, she worked his cock in and out of her mouth, applying suction, enjoying the moans coming from him. She felt Avery’s muscles tense and knew he wouldn’t last much longer. She slowed her movements, reaching down and sliding her pants down, removing them without releasing him from the warm prison of her mouth.
She reached into her clutch, fishing out a foil packet. Avery took it from her, tearing the packet quickly with his teeth and slipping it over his granite-hard cock. Peyton quickly rose and straddled Avery’s lap, slowly easing herself onto his thick erection, her desire for him – her need for him – consuming her, making it impossible to wait any longer. His hips thrust up, burying his cock into her tight wet pussy.
“Oh, Avery,” she cried. “You feel so good.”
“So wet,” he moaned. “Fuck.”
Peyton rode his hard cock, loving the way it felt as it thrust into her moist tight channel. Avery’s thrusts became more demanding, her muscles clenching his shaft tighter and tighter, until she couldn’t hold on any longer. “Need to come,” she moaned. “Almost there. Fuck me hard.”
Avery responded, thrusting harder, his free hand reaching between them rubbing her sensitive clit. She trembled at the contact, moaning loudly, her body shuddered against his. Avery pulled her close, kissing her swollen lips with an uncontainable passion, meeting her thrusting hips with his own. S
he screamed into his mouth as she came, and he held her tight as his cock pulsed within her, the condom the only thing keeping him from filling her with his seed.
Peyton loved how powerful she felt, taking control of their lovemaking. Never before had she let her lust control her actions. The look on his face when she slowly fed his massive cock into her warm mouth would forever be imprinted into her mind. The animalistic way his fingers gripped her body made her shiver as a renewed flutter of longing made her clit begin to throb yet again… but there wasn’t any time to indulge her desire again. They’d be reaching their destination soon.
They dressed quickly. When the car eased to a stop in front of Avery’s luxurious home, she felt as though she were home. The sudden unexpected thought panicked her. This was not her home. This man was not her man. But she wished he was. He made her feel things she had never felt before, feelings that ran far deeper than just mind-blowing sex. Those feelings scared the hell out of her. She knew she could love him, did love him, if she was honest with herself. But she would not share that with him; not yet.
Chapter Twenty-four -- Peyton
The next morning, after returning home, Peyton hurried around the house doing all the random but necessary chores that had been put off.. She had been so wrapped up in her weekly classes, her job, and spending time with Avery that she had let a lot of things slide. As she made her way upstairs to put away the laundry, the doorbell chimed. She placed the basket on the landing and headed for the door. It chimed again. “Coming!” she shouted. “I’ll be right there.”
She opened the door to see a woman holding a large box in her arms, with a bag dangling from her wrist. “Can I help you?” she asked.
The woman smiled. “You must be Peyton. I’m Alice, Mr. Roderick’s assistant. He asked me to deliver these packages to you for the charity event. May I come in?”
“Yes. I’m sorry. Please come in, Alice.” she stepped to the side, letting the woman in.
Alice placed the packages on the sofa just inside the living room and took a seat beside them. “Could I trouble you for a glass of water, dear?”
“Sure. I’ll be right back.” Peyton rushed into the kitchen, returning with a glass of ice water for her guest.
“Thank you,” Alice said, taking the glass. “At my age, trucking around town and making deliveries is quite exhausting. But I’m so glad to meet the woman that has brought Avery back to life.”
“What... What do you mean?”
Alice’s eyes teared up. “I’ve known Avery for some time, my dear, and he’s been so lonely for so long. It’s just nice to see him enjoying life again. I worried he would... oh never mind dear.” She quickly wiped her eyes and smiled. “He’s just so happy now.” She handed the box of Peyton. “Now let’s take a look at this dress, shall we? If it needs alterations, I can take care of them today.”
“Sure.” Peyton untied to large red bow wrapped around the box, excited to see what kind of dress lay within. Removing the lid and placing it on the cushion beside her, she eased the tissue paper to the side. She gasped. Before her was the most amazing red dress she had ever seen. She reached into the box and slowly lifted it out, admiring the way the soft material felt beneath her fingers. “Oh my goodness,” she said breathlessly. “It’s beautiful… and it looks like it’s the right size, too. I don’t think it will need any alterations.” At least she hoped not. It looked beautiful and perfect just the way it was.
“It is lovely, my dear. Avery picked it out himself. He has impeccable taste.” She handed the bag over to Peyton. “The shoes are in the bag, dear. I think you’ll love them, too.”
Peyton dug into the bag and pulled out a pair of killer black heels. Combined with the dress, she’d look like she stepped out of a fashion magazine. The dress – by far the most amazing one she had ever seen – was strapless, and designed to show off cleavage to its maximum potential. Fortunately, she had plenty of cleavage to show. It was simple, yet very, very sexy.
Unable to contain her excitement, Peyton grabbd the dress and heels, and excused herself to go try them on. She took a long look in the mirror after she was dressed. “Wow!” she said softly, not believing her eyes. “I look gorgeous.” She almost didn’t want to take the dress off.
After slipping back into her regular clothes, Peyton returned to the living room. “It’s perfect,” she told Alice, unable to keep the big smile off her face. Alice reminded her the charity event was Monday night and went on her way, telling Peyton again how wonderful it was she was in Avery’s life.
Chapter Twenty-five -- Avery
Avery had finally persuaded Peyton to allow him to pick her up at her home. In the weeks since their meeting, she had never invited him over, not even to pick up or drop her off for their dates. It didn’t bother him exactly, but he wished she was comfortable enough to let him into her life. He just wanted to meet her family and friends.
Avery’s limo pulled to the curb in front of what he thought to be a charming two-story house. The driver opened his door and Avery slid out, heading to the door, straightening his suit jacket and tie. He rang the bell, eager to see his beautiful woman. He hadn’t yet told her he loved her, but it would be foolish to deny the fact to himself. He had loved her since the first time he saw her face. A young girl opened the door. He saw the resemblance instantly and realized she must be Peyton’s sister.
“Hi,” he said. “I’m Avery. What’s your name?”
“I’m Maggie. Peyton isn’t ready yet. Come in.” She stepped back to let Avery in and closed the door behind him, and then led him into the living room where he was introduced to Peyton’s roommates and brother. They looked at him, their eyes filled with curiosity. He knew what was coming, and hoped he was ready for it.
“I’m Jade,” one of the girls said, grinning wickedly. “We’ve heard a lot about you.”
“I hope it was all good,” he said, smiling at the girls.
“I’m Mandy,” another girl said. “Do you have any single friends, Avery?”
“Mandy!” Jade said, narrowing her eyes at the girl. “Peyton will kill you if you embarrass her!”
“Calm down, Jade,” Mandy said. She looked at Avery and smiled. “I’m only asking what you girls won’t. He’s hot!”
“It’s okay, ladies,” Avery said, smiling. He looked at Mandy. “As a matter of fact, I do have several single friends.” He resisted the urge to laugh when Mandy blushed and looked away from him. Peyton’s friends were just as lively as he had imagined them to be.
After several other innocent and not-so-innocent questions, Avery heard a door close upstairs. He turned and looked up the staircase, anxious to see his Sweetness. He couldn’t wait to see her in the sexy red dress he had bought for her. He thought of her spinning around the dance floor, just as she had in his dreams, and his cock began to swell, his heart racing.
Peyton stepped from the landing, slowly coming into view. With each slow seductive step she made, desire flooded him, raging through his body. The first sight of those sexy black heels and her bare ankles made his mouth dry. He was speechless and frozen as he watched her descend slowly.
The seconds seemed to stretch into an eternity as he anxiously waited for the moment he could see all of her. By the time her bare thighs came into view, peeking beneath the hem of the short dress, his cock was full-on hard. He could hear the girls giggling and cheering but he pushed the sound aside, focusing on the object of his desire... his passion. Peyton finally came in to full view. He stared for a few seconds, his eyes drinking in her beauty. “Enchanting,” he said, breathlessly. He looked into her eyes. “You are the most gorgeous creature to ever walk the earth.”
Taking her into his arms, Avery pulled Peyton tight against him, slipping one hand behind her head, forgetting about the others as he pressed his lips firmly to hers.
Judging from the stunned silence that suddenly filled the room, Avery guessed her friends had never seen Peyton in such a way before. He pulled away, wanting to kiss her
more deeply, but realizing this wasn’t the time or place. He looked into her eyes, seeing the flames of desire building within her. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist.”
She blinked, licked her lips, her cheeks flushed. “It’s... It’s okay. I’m sorry I took so long. Are you ready to go?” She avoided looking at her friends, her face red, but her eyes still said she wanted him.
“I’m ready if you are.” He glanced at her friends, his mouth quirking into a small smile as he took in the stunned expressions on everyone’s faces. “It was nice to meet all of you.”
“I’ll be late so don’t wait up,” Peyton said, taking Avery’s arm as he walked her to the door. A chorus of goodbyes followed them as they walked towards the waiting limo.
Did you enjoy The Boardroom? Have a little more spicy fun when you meet The Professor’s Lover.
Visit Jacee on the web at:
Twitter: @JaceeMacguire
Table of Contents
Chapter One -- Avery
Chapter Two -- Peyton
Chapter Three -- Avery
Chapter Four -- Peyton
Chapter Five -- Avery
Chapter Six -- Peyton
Chapter Seven -- Avery
Chapter Eight -- Peyton
Chapter Nine -- Avery
Chapter Ten -- Peyton
Chapter Eleven -- Avery
Chapter Twelve -- Peyton
Chapter Thirteen -- Avery
Chapter Fourteen -- Peyton
Chapter Fifteen -- Avery